Get Involved

23 - 30 July 2021

Lebanon Aid Mission

Helping Syrian refugees in Lebanon

You can join Salam Charity as we head to Lebanon and help save countless lives!

Lebanon: The struggle continues...

The UNHCR High Commissioner has described the situation in Syria as "the biggest humanitarian and refugee crisis of our time, a continuing cause for suffering".

Lebanon hosts one of the largest populations of Syrian and Palestinian refugees with around 2 million people crammed into overcrowded and often dangerous camps with no heating, electricity, or running water. 70% of the families in Lebanon's camps live below the poverty line and over 50% of those are below the age of 18, which means that millions of children are growing up knowing nothing but conflict, hardship, and poverty.

Winter doubles the challenges faced by the Syrian and Palestinian refugees and the bitter truth is, unless we act now, thousands of children and elderly will not survive the cold. They simply do not have the resources to see them through these difficult times. A lack of food, inadequate warm winter clothing, and no fuel for heaters and stoves will mean that life is a daily struggle for these people.

We are offering a lifeline...

Salam Charity is heading to Lebanon this January to offer the refugees a lifeline out of hardship and give them hope of a brighter future. We will be distributing winter kits including warm clothing and much-needed food packs to give them the chance to survive the sub-zero conditions.

You can join us on our mission to Lebanon and see, first-hand the work of Salam Charity on the ground. Simply register below with your details and you could be joining us as we make our way to Lebanon and help make a real difference.

Register today to join the team!

First name*

Last name*



Address line 1*

Address line 2






Do you have a valid CRB check (Last 6 Months)?

Have you been on a deployment before?

With which charity?

Which country did you travel to?

What did you distribute/provide?

Terms and conditions

You must have a valid UK passport and provide evidence of a PCR COVID-19 test. You must be over the age of 18 to join the deployment. Salam Charity reserves the right to withdraw you from any deployment should any concerns arise. No refunds will be issued on any funds raised and the donations will be used for the causes highlighted in the Deployment Brief (which will be emailed to you).

Rameeza Q.
to Where most needed
Oklahoma City, United States